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RATCHET was designed to quickly move cubes for FIRST POWER UP℠ as its primary objective.
- Events competed at: Lake superior regional, Duluth MN, 07-10 March 2018.
- Competed in finals: TBD
- Current placement in qualifications: TBD
- Drive train type: 4WD, omni wheels in front
- Pneumatics: No
- Manipulators: Cube intake/2 stage lift, climber
- Autonomous: Switch auto, flexible start
- Maximum terrain: Minor bumps plus the field terrain
- Removable electrical board: Yes
- Drivetrain Encoders: Yes
- Camera driving: Yes
- Position sensing on lift with preset positions
Drive Train
- Traction device: 8" pneumatic wheels in back and 8" omni wheels in front
- Gearbox: One single speed, 2 CIM gearbox box per side
- Transmission: Belt drive
- Suspension: No
- Drive train type: 4WD, omni wheels in front
- Pneumatics: No
- Manipulators: Cube intake/2 stage lift, climber
- Autonomous: Switch auto, flexible start
- Maximum terrain: Minor bumps plus the field terrain
- Removable electrical board: Yes
- Drivetrain Encoders: Yes
- Camera driving: Yes
- Position sensing on lift with preset positions
Drive Train
- Traction device: 8" pneumatic wheels in back and 8" omni wheels in front
- Gearbox: One single speed, 2 CIM gearbox box per side
- Transmission: Belt drive
- Suspension: No