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From our rookie year through 2014 we used Labview to program our robots. It was a constant struggle to get it to behave the way we wanted. Because our programming mentor, Todd Kruse, is proficient in Java and we want the students to have industry ready skills, that is what we now use and recommend. Eclipse is our IDE of choice. FIRST has drop-in tools for Eclipse, making programming FRC robots easier.

GitHub Repository

The button below will take you to our GitHub repository of code.


Beta testing

In 2017/18 we participated in control system beta testing. Our report can be downloaded below:

Download Beta Testing PPT

Autonomous motion profiles

This spreadsheet is fairly specific to our 2018 robot, RATCHET, but you can use it as a springboard to plan your own autonomous code. It is currently set up for the KOP magnetic encoder and RATCHET's drivetrain gear ratio.

Download Motion Profiles

Diagram of 2018 field for programming autonomous

Using the available drawings for the FIRST POWER UP℠, we put together a solidworks drawing of useful dimensions to consider when making the autonomous motion profiles. Below is a PDF version:

Field Floor Plan